Mango Butter Soap - 100% Certified Organic
“Mango Butter” BENEFITS
Mango butter has natural emollient properties, high oxidative ability, wound healing and regenerative properties. Mango butter is used for its skin softening, soothing, moisturizing and protective properties and to restore flexibility and reduce degeneration of skin cells. Mango butter has a protective effect against UV radiation. Mango butter is also used for treatment of wrinkles and people who use it will notice decreased signs of aging and the disappearance of lines and wrinkles within four to six weeks of daily use. Some more of mango butter’s benefits:
Mango Butter Soap Bar 100% Certified Organic |
• Heals skin rash
• Heals skin peeling after tanning
• Clears blemishes and wrinkles
• Relieves itching skin
• Heals sunburn
• Treats small skin wounds and skin cracks
• Moisturizes tough or rough skin
• Fights frost bite
• Prevents stretch marks
• Relieves insect bites
• Promotes healthy, rejuvenated skin
• Heals muscle fatigue, aches and tension
• Relieves skin allergies such as poison ivy or poison oak
• Treats eczema and dermatitis
• Fights off fine lines and wrinkles
Mango Butter is rich in fatty acids and is easily absorbed into the skin and doesn’t leave a greasy feel. When used as a liquid, it can also be used as an oil treatment for dry damaged hair. The list is long for mango butter benefits!