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Monday, February 7, 2011

Why you should use handcrafted soap

I'm the Gourmet Soap Chef and I'm located at http://www.gourmetsoapchef.com/
Many people still use commercial soap bars and probably never think twice about it. But there are some really big drawbacks to using commercial soap bars on your skin.

Many soap bars contain animal by products, detergents, fillers such as wax or alcohol...not to mention hardeners (that's why your soap bar is so dense). Using handcrafted soap eliminates excess film and buildup on your body that commercial soaps often leave behind...you can see the build-up with the ring that's left in your bath tub or your shower floor. (ugh!!) That's soap film...

I have some really good tips to help keep your skin soft and supple...the way it's suppose to be. The first handcrafted soap you should use is "Cornmeal Pore Cleansing". Yes, you read right...Cornmeal. Cornmeal is suitable for cleaning clogged pores because it's a gentle abrasive and stimulant. It imparts a nice straw coloring to a soap bar and is gentle to your skin. It's the first step you should try if you want to get your skin back to that "baby-butt smooth state".  If your skin is too sensitive for a gentle cornmeal cleansing, try our glycerin soap bars. end